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How to Use a Network Analyzer 🚧

A network analyzer is a fundamental instrument used to characterize components in RF and microwave systems.


S-parameters, also known as scattering parameters, are the language of network analyzers. These parameters fully describe any linear, time-invariant component and provide a comprehensive representation of its behavior in a system. S-parameters include phase information and are therefore complex-valued vectors that vary with frequency. Once the S-parameters are known, they can be converted into other network parameters for circuit design, optimization, or tuning purposes.


Smith Chart



Calibration is necessary before each network analysis test.

The calibration process involves using standard calibration standards (make sure to select the correct model) to calibrate for open, short, and load conditions. The port extension feature is used to automatically calibrate for an open circuit, extending the signal detection to the end of the transmission line. A successful calibration is indicated by the complex impedance values falling on the rightmost end of the Smith Chart (open circuit).

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