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حول ريادة الأعمال

هل الفكرة قابلة للتنفيذ؟

  1. ما هو حجم الطلب في السوق؟
    1. تعريف من هم المستخدمون
    2. اكتشاف احتياجات ورغبات المستخدمين
    3. تعريف مزاياك
    4. إنتاج منتج MVP (الحد الأدنى الممكن)
    5. اختبار مع المستخدمين
    6. التطوير السريع حتى تجد PMF (منتج يلقى تفاعلاً إيجابيًا)
  2. هل هناك الكثير من الأشخاص يعملون في نفس المجال؟
  3. لماذا يمكنك القيام بذلك؟

القيمة يمكن أن تتجسد بأشكال متعددة - مال، وقت موفر، متعة، وغير ذلك.

هل يجب إنشاء منتج أم مشروع؟

بالنسبة للرواد في مرحلة مبكرة، في كثير من الأحيان، يجب أن يقوموا بـ إنتاج منتج وفي الوقت نفسه قبول مشروع.
استقبال المشروعات هو من أجل البقاء، وإنشاء المنتج هو لتمهيد الطريق للنمو السريع في المستقبل.

عندما تكون غير واثق من الاتجاه الذي يجب اختياره بالنسبة للمنتج، يمكنك أن تفكر أثناء العمل في المشروع حول الاحتياجات التي قد تكون عامة وتحويلها إلى منتج محتمل. في النهاية، يجب أن نقول أن اختيار اتجاه المنتج الخاص بك هو مسألة تكتيكية، ويجب عليك في المستوى الاستراتيجي أن تكون على دراية باتجاه صناعتك واتجاهات التكنولوجيا. الاختيار أهم من الجهد.


  • يجب أن يكون لديه درجة معينة من التقييس وقابلية الاستخدام والتكرار
  • في معظم الحالات، يتطلب استثمارًا كبيرًا في المرحلة الأولى
  • هناك إمكانية للنمو الكبير
  • منافسة شديدة، عادة يمكن لعدة شركات فقط البقاء في نفس المجال
  • بالمقارنة مع المشروعات، الأسواق المالية تميل إلى الميل إلى المنتجات بفرص نمو عالية تجلب عوائدًا عالية


  • "لا يوجد عمل، لا يوجد دخل"
  • تدفق الأموال سريع، ولا حاجة لاستثمار كبير عادة
  • في معظم الحالات، النمو بطيء
  • يسمح بوجود العديد من الشركات الصغيرة
  • رأس المال لن يتم اختياره بالأولوية

حول الاستثمار وإدارة الأموال

وسائل النمو

  1. لا تسعى لتحقيق الأفضل، بل ابحث عن الحصري، مثل البراءات
  2. التوسع بشكل كبير، مثل الشركات التجزئة الكبيرة وشركات الإنترنت
  3. اذهب إلى أماكن تجارية تعتبر بيئتها سيئة للحصول على حصة كبيرة في الأسواق الصغيرة
  4. الحصول على دعم حكومي والتعاون معها
  5. امتلاك الممتلكات، مثل العقارات أو الملكية الفكرية
  6. الربح باستخدام وسائل قانونية
  7. الاستفادة من تأثير الشبكة، مثل شركات الاتصالات


  1. شراء عندما يكون الآخرون متوترين، وبيع عندما يكونون متفائلين
  2. التفاني الشديد في لعبة الاستثمار ولديه شغف قوي للفوز
  3. استخلاص الدروس من الفشل
  4. وجود حس مبني على الخبرة في التعامل مع المخاطر بدلاً من الاعتماد على الآلات 5.

Ward believes that the primary motivation for internet reading is people seeking answers to certain questions, such as how should I invest in my personal retirement account? What is the best way to clean hardwood floors? Answers to these questions are naturally popular.

5. Popularity

Well-known authors have a significant impact on whether an article can be shared. Popularity accumulates in a cycle, and existing popularity can bring even greater popularity, especially on the internet.

6. Homepage / Headlines

Posts featured on the homepage are more likely to be widely shared. In this age of scarce attention, content hidden in the corner is difficult to notice. People are surrounded by a vast amount of information every day, and only by placing content in the most prominent places can you ensure that readers will see it.

7. Humor, Critique, and Emotion

Content that goes viral is often humorous. Additionally, 60% of viral ads are produced by small companies.

Humor, satire, and audacity cannot solve all problems, but they are essential prerequisites for viral advertising.

8. Viral Spread

If you want your content to go viral, then every content producer should carefully answer the following questions before publishing:

  • Has the article successfully provided a detailed introduction to the topic? Is the length sufficient?
  • Can this content evoke high-energy emotions such as anger, awe, and anxiety?
  • Does the tone of the article convey emotions?
  • Is this content particularly practical? Is it interesting? Or does it leave people feeling surprised and delighted?
  • Does the author have a reputation or credibility?
  • Is this content truly engaging?
  • If your answer is yes, then congratulations, you have an article that can go viral.

About Personal Development

Manufacturing and Selling

Naval, the renowned venture capitalist from Silicon Valley, tweeted a golden nugget that received over ten thousand likes.

He said, "Learn to sell. Learn to build. If you can do both, you will be unstoppable."

His point is that a successful company must possess two key capabilities: excellent manufacturing and excellent sales. A successful company not only knows how to create outstanding products but also knows how to sell them.

This is why companies have roles like CEO and CTO. Generally, the CEO is responsible for sales (including financing) and management, while the CTO is responsible for manufacturing. If either of these roles is not performed well, the company cannot succeed.

Naval goes on to say, the most powerful people in the world are those who can both create and sell. They can revolutionize an entire industry. For example, Elon Musk is one of these people; he understands technology and can get engineers to build what he envisions, and he also knows how to sell, driving the world crazy for Tesla cars. Steve Jobs was also such a person, understanding what customers wanted and what Apple could create, single-handedly making Apple the world's most valuable company.

If we view our lives as a project, success in life works the same way. You need genuine skills and the ability to market yourself.

Naval says that typically, Makers (those who create) find it easier to learn sales, while Salespeople find it harder to learn how to make things. For instance, it's easier for a programmer to learn operations than for an operations person to learn programming. So, in his view, it's best to major in courses related to making (e.g., computer science) in college and minor in courses related to sales (e.g., economics). This combination makes more sense.

About Survival

Survival is a real-time strategy game, and everyone is a player in this game. Financial freedom means winning the game.

Specifically, there are two types of games: the game of wealth and the game of status. Players in the game of wealth pursue more wealth, while players in the game of status pursue higher status.

In ancient times, the higher your status, the more wealth you had. Being a high-ranking official meant making a fortune, so everyone played the game of status. In modern society, the game of wealth and the game of status have gradually become disconnected. You can make a fortune without holding a high-ranking position. The game of wealth has gained more players.

These two games have a fundamental difference. The game of status is always zero-sum; if there is a winner, there must be a loser. For example, if I become the department head, you cannot become one. So, the game of status is quite dangerous, and you must always guard against other players' moves. The game of wealth is not zero-sum; if I build a beautiful house, it doesn't prevent you from building one too. If I make money, it doesn't harm others and may even improve their lives. For example, when Steve Jobs founded Apple, it provided better electronic products for everyone.

Entrepreneurship is the game of wealth, and politics is the game of status. For this reason, I believe that entrepreneurship is worth pursuing, while politics is not. Some entrepreneurial projects are also zero-sum, such as ticket scalping, flash sales, cheating in games, and so on, and they are not worth participating in.

— Ruan Yifeng, "Tech Enthusiast Weekly: Issue 66"

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